Cody Lucero did it again and is now an official CFII! Our favorite donut fetching, demerit earning, intern has another successful checkride under his belt. 17 months from zero to CFII all while being an active duty Sailor in Fallon, commuting in, balancing life, family, and demanding GBA intern duties. Pretty impressive to say the least! If you have met Cody you know what we mean when we say this guy oozes aviation. If he is not studying and constantly learning, he is teaching, flying for fun, watching air disasters (stop doing it in the office though Cody), and talking to new students and spreading his enthusiasm. He is definitely a role model and we are beyond proud to have him as part of the GBA instruction team. Huge "Bravo Zulu" to him and his instructor Danny Britson!
Gwen is a soloed pilot!!! She has been working diligently this last month with her sister (who is also a fellow GBA student pilot!) to accomplish this incredible goal. You can always find Gwen with her notebook in hand, whether it’s taking notes in a fury during ground school or as a board member for the Sierra Battle Born WAI chapter. Aviation is no mystery to Gwen, she was a former flight attendant which birthed her love for aviation, and today she took her first steps towards roaming the skies by kicking her instructor, Kurtis Hornung, out of N670CS! This fantastic pilot greased her way through her landings with the busy, but friendly and accommodating company of KRTS traffic. Gwen never fails to put a smile on everyone’s face and it’s a joy to see her achieve this huge accomplishment. Congratulations to this aviatrix and her instructor Kurtis!
Who wears cowboy boots and knows his commercial pilot maneuvers….Sam Armstrong!! Sam is now a commercial pilot!! While the weather was anything but ideal, it was safe, and Sam made the “go” decision to hit the sky. A few bumps here and there, correcting for wind drifts, Sam chandelled himself to legendary status. Sam’s goal is to be a military pilot, but we might force him down the CFI path first. We give him a hard time, but it has been awesome watching Sam progress through his ratings and certificates and set honorable goals and stick to them. His focus will definitely get him where he wants to go. Even though he probably had to head into work after his flight, we hope Sam will take some time to celebrate this incredible achievement. Huge congratulations as well to his CFI, and boss, Danny Britson!
Some exciting news to brighten your dreary Monday... Brandon Lemen is a private pilot!! Yesterday afternoon, this new pilot earned his wings! Brandon was was in law enforcement for several years but retired from it to run a small business that helps him reach his aviation goals. He’s always had a passion and love for aviation, which is evident by how often he drives in from out of town for flight, ground training, and to grab a Dutch Bros :) Brandon is pursuing aviation professionally and is definitely off to a good start. He tapped into some solid resources, his buddies who fly for the airlines, and studied with them while working on his private. His flight yesterday afternoon was not ideal as he flew through some of the “fun” Northern Nevada flight conditions, but every landing and maneuver was successful and he walked away, even danced a little, with his certificate. Huge congratulations to Brandon and his CFI Sean Torbett!! Enough rest, now let’s get going on that instrument rating.
Mark Conklin soloed!!! He already has a solo in his log book, but it has been a bit so why not celebrate it again! This morning he greased N752DW on runway 08 and 26 at KRTS. The sun was a bit blinding so Mark switched runways in the empty pattern to make the conditions ideal demonstrating solid ADM. He almost had his private pilot several years ago and as we all know, life happens. He never lost the desire and recently got back into the cockpit and has come a long way in a short amount of time. His favorite question to ask his CFI Chris Buckley is, “do you know what the only thing better than flying is?” His response, “landing!!” And yes Mark, that is correct. Especially a good one where the plane can be used again :) Huge congratulations to Mark and his CFI Chris. Just a few more steps and that certificate is yours!
Greg Shannon is a private pilot!! Today this local former Deputy District Attorney and current Family Court Master was on the other side of the bench. He stood trial and was judged based on his private pilot skills. Greg showed up prepared and with solid, practical evidence, demonstrated without any doubt that he has the skills required to safely and proficiently fly. No deliberation needed. Greg was issued a private pilot certificate and sentenced to a lifetime of freedom exploring the sky and all the awesome places it will take him. Greg has had a journey of hard work, determination, adaptation, and now success. He is an inspiration for many and we are so happy for him!! Congratulations to Greg and the instructors that worked with him on his journey, last being Ethan Chinowsky! This case is closed and now the fun begins!!
AuthorAll posts are either written by Great Basin Aviation's staff or shared articles from other aviation sites. Source will be referenced in post. Archives
February 2025